A student’s data sgp (student growth percentile) is an indicator of how far a student has come in their learning. It measures how a student performs compared to students with similar assessment history (academic peers) and shows how much a student has learned over time, even if they have not yet met state standards.
Data SGPs are used to measure a student’s progress toward meeting state academic standards in English language arts (ELA) and math, as well as their progress toward career readiness. These indicators help educators understand their students’ abilities and identify areas for improvement. In addition, SGPs are included in educator evaluations and may be a factor in their overall ratings.
To calculate a student’s data sgp, a statistical technique called quantile regression is applied to a student’s historical test scores. The result is a “normalized” scale that places the performance of a student’s academic peers on an equal footing and makes it possible to compare students across different testing windows, demographic groups, educational programs, etc.
The student’s current data sgp is based on their most recent assessment and up to two previous assessments in the same subject, grade and testing window. The assessment dates do not need to match the school year, but the tests must be consecutive and in the same subject area.
For example, in spring 2024, a sixth grade student’s data sgp for ELA will be based on their performance from the 2023 and 2024 MCAS exams. A student’s academic peers are all students statewide who have an assessment history that is comparable to their own and who have been placed on the same normalized scale. This includes all demographic groups and all programs.
A student’s score history is analyzed to determine how much the student has learned in the past year. Then, the student’s growth trajectory is projected to show how much they will learn in the future.
It is important to remember that students can experience either high or low growth from one year to the next, and that their growth in the future can be affected by a variety of factors including family circumstances, health, classroom instruction and teacher support. Also, it is important to note that a student’s current SGP is based on trends in the entire state and may not necessarily reflect a particular school or district’s performance in any given year.