The Squid Game and the Dreams Asia Breakthrough Prize

singapore prize

A migrant worker from heavy vehicle leasing firm Pollisum Engineering won the top prize in Singapore’s Squid Game — a game that resembles a character from the popular cartoon show Squid Game, where players wear red tracksuit jackets and number tags to play. The winner took home the equivalent of one and a half years’ worth of his salary.

The runner-up received a commissioned trophy and StoryTel gift code worth US$215 each. The other finalists each won a prize of 3,000 Singapore dollars (US$1,898), including a 12-month subscription to StoryTel. The top winner’s story will be published in the first issue of the magazine, which will go on sale in early 2023.

Singapore is a key regional hub for business, innovation and entrepreneurs who are committed to making positive changes for the planet. The region is also among the worst affected by climate change, yet it thrives as a region of innovation and social impact, demonstrating how we can take a more holistic approach to solving some of our most complex problems.

During the inaugural Dreams Asia Breakthrough Prize award ceremony last month, eight teams were awarded seed funding and mentorship support. The teams were given six months to develop their solutions and proof of concepts, and were provided access to mentors, potential funders, and dialogues with policymakers. They also had the opportunity to attend coaching sessions and learn from other global leaders in the field.

The inaugural event in the new LIV Golf series will take place in Singapore this week, with a standard $25 million purse. The individual champion will receive $4 million, while $5 million is set aside for the team competition. This will be the first time LIV has held a tournament in Southeast Asia, though it has previously staged events in Dubai and Boston.

The award shows are a great way to showcase Singapore’s burgeoning film industry, and the prize money is an excellent incentive for aspiring filmmakers to continue working hard to create outstanding films that inspire people around the world. The winners of this year’s awards were chosen from a pool of over 500 entries, and the judges said they were “exceptional and diverse”. This year’s top winner, Suratman Markasan (Honing the Pen, Volume 2), will win a total of $3,000 in cash, as well as a customised trophy. The other finalists, Wang Gungwu (Home Is Where We Are Going), and Yeo Tianxin (Baikunya Tercangkan), each won $1,900 in cash. The judges also announced that a special mention prize of $1,000 will be given to a work that addresses the social impacts of climate change. The award shows are being held at the Singapore Repertory Theatre from October 14 to October 21. For more information on tickets, visit the website here. The full list of winners is available here.