What is Data SGP?

Data sgp is an evaluation tool that provides information on students’ learning gains over time. The tool helps educators interpret the results of student assessment scores in terms of student growth, rather than focusing solely on raw score differences. Using this data, educators can better understand and respond to the varying needs of all learners.

Students’ SGPs are determined by comparing their current test scores to those of other students with similar prior score histories (their academic peers). Unlike standard report cards that provide only a snapshot of one moment in time, SGP reports show students’ progress over time and allow them to compare themselves with others across content areas and grade levels.

SGPs can be used to evaluate performance at the individual student, school, district, and even the state level. The data can also be analyzed to determine patterns in students’ performance and identify areas of strength and challenge within the system. In addition, the data can be used to identify students who may require additional support, services, or interventions.

How do student SGPs relate to their MCAS scaled scores?

During MCAS assessment administrations, each student is assigned a relative performance ranking. This ranking is based on their combined performance relative to other students with similar scores who took previous MCAS assessments in the same subject area. In other words, a student’s SGP is the percent of their current MCAS score that falls below or above their academic peers’ averages on previous assessments in the same subject. For example, a student whose current SGP is 60 scored higher than or equal to 55% of their academic peers on previous MCAS assessments in the same subject.

Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) measure a student’s performance relative to the typical performance of other students with similar prior test scores on MCAS exams in a particular subject area. These percentages, commonly known as percentiles, are useful because they describe a student’s performance in terms that are familiar to teachers and parents. SGPs can be compared year to year, although differences should be interpreted with caution.

The SGP package includes exemplar WIDE format and LONG format data sets (sgpData, sgpData_LONG) for use with operational analyses. We recommend the long format version for operational analyses as it is simpler to manage versus the wide format data set. The LONG format data set includes the sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER lookup file, which provides insturctor information associated with each student’s test record.

SGPs can be viewed on the student’s account by selecting the “SGP History” link under the Student tab. The SGP history can be filtered by student, teacher, and/or content area. In addition, the SGP history can be printed for reference.